Frequently asked Questions

How old were you when you got started in activism?
I was 8 years old when I started working on the water crisis related activism, but I have. been giving back to my community since I was 3 years old.
How many presidents have you met?
I have met 4 presidents (Obama, Biden, Clinton, Trump)
How much money have you raised since you started?
$250k for bottled water
$834k for my water filter
Over $650k for projects for kids in Flint including Christmas, Easter, Back to School, and Halloween
What are you most proud of?
My water filter is the one thing I am most proud of. I seen a problem that needed fixed and I found a solution to help solve it.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I love science, chemistry is my favorite because I love doing experiments.
What barriers have you faced with your work, and how do you push through them?
People can be really mean, and sometimes it's a lot of pressure when you are dealing with both adults and kids being mean to you. I pushed through by focusing on why I do the work I do and knowing I am going to prove them wrong.
What is your advice for kids who want to get started with making a difference in their community?
Go for it, everybody has to start somewhere. Back when I started I had no clue I would ultimately be helping thousands of people.
Who are the role models that inspire you?
I have several role models, but two in particular I really look up to are Yara Shahidi and Dr Bernice King.
What grade are you in?
I am entering my junior year of high school
What hobbies do you do?
I like to listen to music and hang out with my friends, skateboard, draw, and do nails. I also love cheerleading and tumbling.
When do you realize you need to step back, rest and revitalize yourself?
When it's time to step back and relax I really enjoy hanging with my friends and listening to music. I also love to play video games and draw.
What has been the hardest part for you?
Having to convince people that I am worth supporting.
From where do you draw your strength to keep fighting?
The kids in Flint are my biggest motivation.
Would you ever want to run for an office?
President 2044
Are there any books about you?
Yes. Here is a list of books where my story is featured.
-Rebel Girls:100 Inspiring Young Changemakers
-Modern Herstory Blair Imani
-Stand Up! 20 Mighty Women Who Made a Change Brittney Cooper
-No Voice Too Small 14 Young Americans Making History
-Rise Up! The Art of Protest
-DC Wonderful Woman of the World
-Better Than We Found It Fred Joseph
-Young Gifted and Black Too Jamia Wilson
-She Persisted In Science Chelsea Clinton
-The Book of Awesome GIrls Becca Anderson
-The Power of Student Activism Danielle Haynes
-We Move the World Kari Levelle